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The electrical cross arm is also called power pole cross arms, utility pole cross arms, telephone pole cross arms or light pole cross arms. In different application setups, there are different configurations for the electrical cross arms. For instance, power pole cross arms are connected with the pin insulator by an insulator pin, and the insulator connects with the wire to realize the power delivery. Light pole cross arms are used on the light pole to support the streetlight power.

The electrical cross arm is connected to the utility pole by double arming bolt, pigtail bolt, or U bolt. There are cross arm braces to support the cross arm so that the line will not drop off. All matching holes for bolts are compatible with each other so a gauge 2 mm less in diameter than the diameter of the bolt will pass freely through the assembled pole line hardware fitting in a direction at a right angle to such members.

As an OEM supplier, we can customize the product per your specific needs! For more detailed info, feel free to contact us today!


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